Judge Lynn Toler has broken the news that her husband, Eric Mumford, has passed away on December 23.
Toler was married to her husband, Eric Mumford, for over 33 years before announcing his death on Instagram. She posted a photo of two of them on her Instagram and wrote, “Eric Mumford BigE January 1, 1951 – December 23, 2022. I am in a million pieces.”

Eric Mumford passed away on December 23, 2022; the official cause of death has not been disclosed. Read on to know more about their relationship and more.
Inside Lynn Toler Relationship With Her Husband Eric Mumford
Everyone thinks that a judge who specializes in divorce cases would have all the answers when it comes to love and relationships, but Divorce Court Judge Lynn Toler confessed in an op-ed for The Huffington Post back in September 2012 that her own marriage had its ups and downs.
Toler was married to Eric “Big E” Mumford for nearly three decades. On January 1, 1951, Eric was born in Ohio. He was already the father of four kids when he met Toler his second wife, and that was in 1986.
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However, Judge Toler loved them and raised them as her own, eventually adding two more children to their family. In 1989 they tied the knot.

At the 19-year mark of their marriage, she wrote in her op ed, “Big E, and I were off the road and deep in the weeds.”
She told the story from both of their points of view, and it didn’t sound good, and then she told how she used the lessons she learned from Divorce Court to improve their communication and understanding of each other. Over the course of a year and a half, Toler and Mumford worked to rebuild their marriage, focusing on long-term consequences and making a conscious effort to be actively engaged in their relationship. Toler wrote that they “have made a conscious decision to be consciously married.”
Know About Judge Lynn Toler
Lynn Candace Toler is an American lawyer, judge, television arbitrator, and television host.
Toler is best known for her role as a former arbitrator on the longest-running courtroom TV show, Divorce Court. She has been an arbitrator on Divorce Court for 14 seasons, from 2006 to 2020. This makes her the longest-serving arbitrator on the show.

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Lynn Toler was born in Columbus, Ohio. Toler went to Columbus School for Girls and got an undergraduate degree in English and American literature from Harvard College in 1981. She also got a Juris Doctor from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1984. Toler had a lot more success in the court show genre when she became the arbitrating judge on Divorce Court, which is the longest-running show in the court show genre and one of the longest syndicated shows of all time.